September 19, 2022 Private Autopsies Private autopsies are a fast-growing and lucrative sideline for many pathologists. Enter ‘private autopsy’ in the search bar of your favorite browser, and it will return a slew of websites. Almost all are advertising their availability for autopsy services. Some are national, some regional, some will come to your funeral…
Medicolegal Investigation of Drug Deaths
The opioid epidemic combined with a shortage of forensic pathologists is affecting the medicolegal investigation of drug deaths.
Cremations, Coroners, and Red Flags
Cremation permanently destroys bodily evidence. There’s no body to exhume. There’s no bone or hair to test for DNA or poisons. That’s one reason a county coroner or medical examiner (C/ME) has to authorize all cremations in Pennsylvania. The other reason? It’s the law. State statute 16 P.S. § 1218-B) requires “a death of an…